
This is a photo of Jupiter. My interest in astrology has grown profoundly recently, and has been a spiritual calling that I’ve experienced like no other before (to date). Jupiter is concerned with thinking, an abstract mind, and higher learning. Jupiter gives a desire for exploration in both a spiritual and intellectual sense. The planet …

Planetary Influences

I’ve had a few questions recently, such as, “what’s happening with the planets” as some of you are feeling out of sorts 🙋🏼‍♀️ so I’m going to try to help you understand how the current planets in, or entering retrograde will be felt (to some or a lesser degree). This is normal to feel some …

Chiron Retrograde

Chiron in retrograde July 15th - December 19th Is anyone one else feeling the affects of Chiron right now? I know that I am. This is an immense time of healing and awakenings. This is the time that one would be forced to feel those deep soul wound. You may find old soul wounds are …